Tretí texasský „lost world“ koncert odohrali The Cure v Austine, kde sa predstavili už po 11-krát vo svojej kariére, tentoraz v hale Moody Center. Setlist opäť „naruby“ a návrat „It Can Never Be The Same“ …
Setlist: Alone, Pictures Of You, A Night Like This, Lovesong, And Nothing Is Forever, It Can Never Be The Same, A Fragile Thing, Cold, Burn, At Night, Push, InBetween Days, Shake Dog Shake, From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, Endsong
E1: I Can Never Say Goodbye, Want, A Thousand Hours, A Strange Day, Play For Today, A Forest
E2: Lullaby, Six Different Ways, The Walk, Friday I´m In Love, Doing The Unstuck, Close To Me, Just Like Heaven, Boys Don´t Cry